Not only is summer over, I think we basically skipped right over fall starting with getting our first snow at the end of September! Two more snows in October has left us with sunny but freezing cold days.
The good news is we have finally gotten all of the perimeter fencing up for the goat pastures. Next summer we will work on dividing up the main doe pasture into three parts so we can practice rotational grazing. The only thing left is the conversion of the 12'x25' lean-to carport we added to side of the barn into a buck barn and chicken coop. That left us a 10x12 space that we penned up with gates into the doe and buck pastures that we intend to use as a breeding pen. The sales pages has been updated with three adult does, 2 doelings and a pair of sisters that I don't want to separate. And then there is the 6 pack of wethers we have still available. In Oregon I had a waiting list, but in Idaho I am having to re-establish my herd name. And to be honest, I haven't been pushing to hard to sell any of them because they have been so much fun to interact with this summer. One of the big perks of working from home is I can take a quick goat break or go play a game of fetch with the dogs. And with wifi in the barn I can stay within ear shot of the kidding pens when needed. A few recent pictures of some of the goats that are for sale:
January 2024
CategoriesAll Chickens Dexter Cattle Horses Nigerian Dwarf Goats Ranch Life Recipes |