7/26/2011 0 Comments Fair sort of day![]() Yesterday morning I took the plunge and entered, Rita, Itty Bitty and Choc-o-latte in the Oregon State Fair. This will be my first foray into showing and I'm rather nervous getting it all figured out, and training the goats especially Rita, since she is a rather shy goat that prefers to stay away from people. The three of them are entered in a total of eight classes, including the Breeders Trio, Get of Sire, Produce of Dam, Dam & Daughter and finally the Fair Special for Oregon Bred & Owned. So Sept 4th is shaping up to be a very exciting, if nerve wracking, day. Hopefully Bekah will do as well showing Choc-o-latte for me as she did with Photography at the Linn County Fair. And speaking of the Linn County Fair, we stopped by there on our way back from signing up in Salem to pick up our photography entries and discovered that in addition to the blue ribbon her baby barn swallow picture had also received the People's Choice Award! I am so proud of her!!
7/21/2011 0 Comments County Fair Results![]() The Linn County Fair started today and of course Bekah and I were anxious to see how we did with our entries in the Photography open class. Bekah won a FIRST place ribbon for the picture of the baby Barn Swallows. And somehow her cactus flower picture ended up being judged in the adult catagory and she still won a THIRD place ribbon for it! I am a proud momma!! For myself, I won 2nd place ribbons for the pictures of Ari and Meeko, a third place ribbon for the picture of Choc-o-latte and a 4th place ribbon for the picture of Bekah in the pumpkin patch. If you didn't already see them the pictures of our entries were in the blog post just prior to this one. 7/15/2011 0 Comments County Fair Photography EntriesThis Sunday Bekah and I will be turning in our entries for this years county fair. Last year we entered just two each and came away with blue ribbons on all of them. And I've been blessed to have winners in the years prior to that as well. I think Bekah will have a very good shot at getting at least one ribbon this year in the under 12 category, my chances as always are up in the air and I will be on pins and needles until I can see the results of the judging next Thursday. Bekah's Entries: Jane's Entries: 7/10/2011 1 Comment Leaving the nest![]() Goats weren't the only ones to raise young in our barn this year. An obliging pair of barn swallows made a nest right where I told them it would be best and raised three babies that flew the nest today shortly after this picture was taken. It was very educational and entertaining to watch them building the nest, and then raising the hatchlings. We got dive bombed by the parents a few times, although they only actually made contact with me once. Since they tend to nest in the same spot every year we are hoping they will be back next year. 7/1/2011 0 Comments Itty Bitty Bottle Baby![]() When Choc-o-latte got moved to bottle baby status we had to have a companion for her and the only other kid was Itty Bitty. I had planned on letting her nurse until she was at least four months old (she is 2.5 months old today.) I had tried getting her sister Hazel to take a bottle, and not surprisingly was unsuccessful. By 10 weeks of age they are old enough to wean, and rarely have any interest in a bottle. But on a whim this afternoon when I had finished feeding Latte, I tried giving the little that remained to Itty Bitty. And once she realized what was in that bottle she was 100% for the idea. I ended up fixing her a fresh bottle which she happily guzzled. So now we have two bottle babies. |
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